Melissa Etheridge And Linda Wallem

Her first album received a Grammy nomination for its hit single Bring Me Some Water. By the third album, Never Enough, the nomination became a win, thanks to its single Ain’t It Heavy. Melissa Etheridge is often known in the music industry for her raspy vocals and ability to blend expressive lyrics with pop-based folk-rock melodies. Although she doesn’t have any acting credits at the moment, the singer won something else from the movie and TV industry.

Besides winning an Academy Award for Best Original Song for her record I Need to Wake Up, which was used in the 2006 film An Inconvenient Truth, Melissa also met Linda Wallem. The two first met when Linda was looking for actors for her at-the-time upcoming show That ’80s Show. The TV show producer then invited Melissa to try acting on the program. Despite not landing the part, the two immediately became best friends, and today, live happily as a married couple.
