Eli Lieb and Tyler James Malone

Multi-talented singer Eli Lieb and his dancer boyfriend James Malone have been together for a while now. Their secret is simple: they don’t mind what other people think and focus on each other, and their hobbies instead. Because of this, they have also managed to make beautiful art together in the course of their relationship. From making music videos to painting, the creativity of this couple is seemingly boundless—no different from their love, right?

Given their penchant for expression, they are also very public and sweet when it comes to their posts on social media. They are unafraid of showing affection, thus serving as inspiration for many in the community. Especially since they share their love story to their fans and supporters all around the world. All credit goes to these two love birds for having a love that’s a goal for many. Even their celebrity friends like Adam Lambert and Lucy Hale support them all the way!
