Devin Ibañez and Fergus Wade

Pro rugby player, Devin Ibañez and his long-time boyfriend Fergus Wade have the sweetest relationship. The star athlete revealed in an interview that he has never been more sure of anything in his life, when referring to his current relationship. Devin pointed out that although coming out was easy, he needed enough motivation to get him through it. Fergus never pushed him, but he was always encouraging him and patiently waited for the day.

He knew that by the time he is ready, Fergus would be there holding his hand and ready to catch him come what may. Also, one of his motivations was the number of athletes in the States who have recently come out of the closet. He gives credit for the courage to go through with the revelation to the love of his life. Now, he has had many in the LGBTQ communities, along with allies, thanking him for the inspiration.
