Aaron Schock

Former Congressman of Illinois, Aaron Schock took to Instagram to officially come out as gay on March of 2020. His admission shocked the netizens and his post received mixed reactions. Some found his liberation inspiring, being a prominent figure with great influence in politics. But a lot have also voiced their disdain towards Schock’s former stand against LGBTQ rights and his stand against same-sex marriage. He had also once denied his true sexual orientation.

Schock was born on May 28, 1981. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in finance from Bradley University and owned the Garage Tek franchise, before his commitment to politics. Schock is a Republican and was recognized as the youngest member of the congress when he was hailed as Illinois Representative in the Congress in 2009. At that time, he was only 28 years old. He assumed the position for 6 years until his resignation in 2015 due to several scandals that had been dealing with.
