Jessica Alba’s Baby Products

The Fantastic Four star had an allergic reaction to laundry detergent back in 2012. This prompted Jessica to come up with her own safe and non-toxic line of household and baby products. She established the Honest Company to solve her own problem and those of others who often get allergies when using strong detergents. In 2016, the Honest Company reported revenue of $250 million, orders of magnitude more than the investment money she poured in. The company made only a smidgeon less than a billion in 2017.

Ethical consumerism is a passion for Jessica and is the driving force behind her company. While she felt alone when she was building the company, she feels happy now that she has about 500 employees, who have mostly come straight from college. When they started, the company only had $10 million in sales from one line- diapers and wipes. Now, they have more than 135 products.
